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A Voyage Into the Light


To Athens House of Photograpy διοργανώνει το σεμινάριο A Voyage Into the Light: The Process and Craft of Making Photography και μας προσκαλεί να ταξιδέψουμε μαζί του στη Σαντορίνη. Οδηγός σε αυτό το ταξίδι στην τέχνη της φωτογραφίας και στο ελληνικό φως του Αιγαίου, θα είναι ο φωτογράφος William Abranowicz. Οι φωτογραφίες του από την Ελλάδα έχουν εκδοθεί στα δύο βιβλία του Hellas και The Greek File: Images from a Mythic Land. Το σεμινάριο θα γίνει στα αγγλικά.
Ακολουθεί το δελτίο τύπου:

A Four-Day Intensive Workshop on the island of Santorini, Greece with William Abranowicz
Santorini 3rd to 6th of July 2014

A Voyage Into the Light: The Process and Craft of Making Photography with William Abranowicz

Description of the workshop

Over four days we will be working on the gorgeous island of Santorini, Greece. In the Colossus of Marroussi, Henry Miller wrote of Greece, “Here the light penetrates directly to the soul, opens the doors and windows of the heart, makes one naked, exposed, isolated in metaphysical bliss which makes everything clear without being known… ”

Our workshop begins by examining what we see and how to express that vision in the photographs we make. We will cover a wide range of topics beginning with a review of existing work. We will discuss the pre-visualization process and how to approach making images before the shutter. We’ll examine what to pay attention to, what to skip and how to dig deeper.
The photographer Arnold Newman once said, “We don’t take pictures with our cameras. We take then with our hearts and we take them with our minds, and the camera is nothing more than a tool”. Knowing how to use that tool without getting mired in the digital and technological mud is the first step to achieving photographs that are soulful, emotional and well crafted. We’ll discuss camera operations and basic equipment, light, composition and making the fine print. We will take many excursions through the island and its surrounding areas to make new images. We’ll work alone and with each other and learn some rules in photography thoroughly so that we are more successful when we break them. We will reference the history of photography for inspiration. After photographing each day, we’ll review what we see and what we don’t see in our work. We’ll dabble in Photoshop and utilize it as a daylight darkroom. We will edit, edit, and edit with a new, meaningful, and beautifully presented portfolio of images will be our goal.

Students must bring

A portfolio of current work-either as prints or digital files
A camera with manual functionality
Lenses with lens shades
A polarizer filter (if available)
Memory cards (an ample amount for a day of recording Raw or equivalent hi res files)
Since cameras vary, please bring your camera manual
A hard-drive for backing up images (the drive should be large enough to store a week of those Raw or hi res files)
A sturdy tripod (if available)
A laptop (if available)
Photoshop (if available)
A card reader (if available)
Necessary cables for connecting your camera to a computer for uploading


From Thursday July 3rd to Sunday July 6th 2014


Deadline: May 31st 2014
Register at www.photobookstore.gr

Cost and payment

500EUR/650USD (the cost does NOT include accommodation)
Down payment by April 1st (non-refundable) 200EUR
The remaining amount (300EUR) must be paid by May 31st

Travel and accommodation

More information to follow, you can contact giorgosventouris@gmail.com for more information on package travel and hotel deals.

Organized by

Athens House of Photograpy

Iason Demos
+ 30 6981 076602

Ventouris Photography
Giorgos Ventouris


Πέμπτη, 3 Ιουλίου 2014
Κατηγορία Εκδήλωση:
Ετικέτες Εκδήλωση


Athens House of Photography
21 0522 8696



The Athens House of Photograpy


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