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New Frontiers in the Art of Visual Storytelling


To Athens House of Photograpy διοργανώνει το σεμινάριο με τίτλο New Frontiers in the Art of Visual Storytelling με το φωτορεπόρτερ Ed Kashi. Οι συμμετέχοντες θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να μυηθούν στην τέχνη του φωτορεπορτάζ από τον πολυβραβευμένο φωτογράφο, εκπαιδευτή και συγγραφέα, ο οποίος υπόσχεται να μοιραστεί μαζί τους τεχνικές και μυστικά για τη δημιουργία μοναδικών φωτογραφικών ιστοριών. Το σεμινάριο θα γίνει στα αγγλικά.
Ακολουθεί το δελτίο τύπου:

New Frontiers in the Art of VISUAL STORYTELLING with ED KASHI
Parga, 8th to 11th of July 2014

This four-day workshop will allow you to share your work in an intimate session and learn about the many new ways we can create photographs, tell visual stories, work with mobile photography and develop your personal style and approach for greater satisfaction. And for those professionals who want to grow and develop your work to a new level, for publication online and in books, exhibitions and websites, this workshop will change your life. With editorial photography changing so dramatically, there has never been a greater need for the documentary photographer to be able to put a personal stamp on their work. There will be an emphasis on helping students develop their personal vision and unique styles. As with most of Ed Kashi’s work, the ultimate goal is to learn how to find a subject you are passionate about, document it in a compelling and unique visual style and disseminate the work effectively to change people’s minds and help write history. Ed Kashi will use as examples his many personal projects, including his seminal work on Aging in America and recent work on the Kurds in Iraq, India and the Niger Delta for National Geographic, and his most recent work on Syrian refugee youth. He will show how you develop an idea, get funding, get access, determine your goals, and most importantly disseminate your work to create an impact on the subject, issue and hopefully society. We will look at photographs, multimedia and short films to consider the range of opportunities out there at the moment. Students will have 3 days of shooting and review sessions, plus a group critique of each student’s portfolio/essays during the workshop.

The days will be organized as follows:

Day 1- share instructor’s work and familiarize us with each other, going over our personal history and goals in life and with our photography. Viewing each student’s work. Goals of the workshop.

Day 2- shoot for half a day, concentrating on self-portraits and environmental portraits. Then return to classroom to have discussions on composition, editing and narrative development. That evening students must download and edit their work from the day, preparing a 7-10 image edit to present the following day.

Day 3- shoot for half a day, concentrating on overalls and sense of place images. Then return to classroom to have discussions on digital workflow and authorship. Also have class review of student’ work from previous day. That evening students must download and edit their work from the day, preparing a 7-10 image edit to present the following day.

Day 4- Spend the morning in the classroom editing the past 2 days of work to prepare a final edit of 10-15 images to be shared in a group critique in the afternoon. We will also discuss multimedia and it’s role in visual storytelling today.

The 5 topics that will be covered are:
-Composition for richer storytelling
-Image editing and narrative development
-Digital workflow and the importance of metadata for improved authorship
-How to shoot and think to create multimedia projects
-Portfolio development and dissemination of your work

From Tuesday July 8th to Friday July 11th 2014

Registration Deadline: May 31st 2014
Register at www.photobookstore.gr

Cost and payment

500EUR/650USD (the cost does NOT include accommodation)
Down payment by April 1st (non-refundable): 200EUR
The remaining amount (300EUR) must be paid by May 31st

Travel and accommodation

Accommodation: Villa Rossa
Please contact Elinda Labropoulou (elindalab@gmail.com) or Sergio Tsitakis (tsitakis@gmail.com)

Organized by
Athens House of Photography

Iason Demos
+ 30 6981 076602

Villa Rossa
Elinda Labropoulou
+ 30 6974641251

Sergio Tsitakis


Τρίτη, 8 Ιουλίου 2014
Κατηγορία Εκδήλωση:
Ετικέτες Εκδήλωση


Athens House of Photography
21 0522 8696



Athens House of Photography


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